What is Housing Navigation?
Housing Navigation is a focused, outcome oriented, and time limited service that helps people with I/DD who need or want to move to community-based housing to obtain and maintain stable, long-term housing of their choice.
Housing Navigation services may include:
- Developing an individualized person-centered housing plan.
- Developing an individual housing budget including the optimization of benefits and financial consulting, if necessary
- Implementing a housing action plan which includes the person’s housing vision and housing budget
- Finding a Home in the community of choice
- Coordinating a move
- Housing sustainability plan and transition to ongoing service providers.
- Housing crisis resolution
Fee: $67/hour paid privately or budgeted into your Personal Resource Account (PRA). Housing Navigation Services can be added on in addition to your Broker Services, regardless of which Independent Broker you contract with.
**NYS Housing Navigators are required to take a 10 week training course through the New York Housing Resource Center. Currently, there are approximately 240 certified housing navigators in New York state.
For a complete list of Housing Navigators visit https://nyhrc.org/directory.php